This course prepares law enforcement professionals to effectively administer and teach the Operating a Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated OMVWI)/Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) training program.  Emphasizes teaching and learning techniques that promote active learning, support learners with a variety of learning preferences and needs and generate continuous improvement in teaching and learning.

The first part of this course will focus on the basic principles and techniques of teaching OMVWI/SFST, and on the specific application of those principles and techniques to the curriculum employed for classroom training in SFSTs. During this day the student-instructors become able to: 

  • Describe the documents that make up the standard curriculum packages for OMVWI/SFST;
  • Describe the content and format of the lesson plans for OMVWI/SFST;     
  • Describe the characteristics of a good OMVWI/SFST instructor;
  • Carry out the instructor preparation tasks for any session of the OMVWI/SFST course;
  • Describe how to plan and manage an alcohol workshop;
  • Administer the use of NHTSA-approved video tapes for optional SFST training.

During the second part of the course, the student-instructor will have opportunities to apply what they have learned by teaching selected portions of the OMVWI/SFST course. The instructor candidates will be told their practice teaching assignments on the first day of the course, and they will have time in class on the first day to begin preparing for the ​


  • Satisfactorily completed either the 32-hour Wisconsin Criminal Justice Instructor Development Course (CJIDC) or the Teaching Methods Course put on by the Wisconsin Technical College System;
  • Satisfactorily completed SFST training, based on the NHTSA SFST curriculum or its equivalent;
  • Participated in two "live" volunteer drinking subject practice sessions (alcohol workshops) during which they personally administered the horizontal gaze nystagmus, walk and turn, and one-leg-stand test to persons who have consumed alcohol; or
  • Participated in one "live" volunteer drinking subject practice session (alcohol workshop) during which they personally administered the horizontal gaze nystagmus, walk and turn, and one-leg-stand test to persons who have consumed alcohol, and participated in
  • one NHTSA approved video-taped session of drinking subjects; or
  • Participated in two NHTSA approved video-taped sessions of drinking subjects; and
  • Demonstrated continued proficiency with the SFSTs, either in actual enforcement operations or in alcohol workshops, or both, since the completion of their training.

*NOTE:Anyone enrolling in this course is expected to know SFST skills prior to attending the course. This is an instructor course. A practical and written pre-test will be administered at the start of the ​course. If you do not pass these tests you will not be allowed to continue in the course.​


You can register for this course here: Wisconsin State Patrol Academy ​Course Registration.  

If you have any questions, please contact the program director.​​​​​​​